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Nanotechnology News - March 2009 Archives

DNA-based assembly line for precision nano-cluster construction (3/31/2009)

Method could lead to rapid, reliable assembly of new biosensors and solar cells ...> Full Article

New nanogenerator may charge iPods and cell phones with a wave of the hand (3/28/2009)

New nanogenerator may charge iPods and cell phones with a wave of the hand A new nanogenerator may charge iPods and cell phones with a wave of the hand. Scientists from Georgia describe technology that converts mechanical energy from body movements or even the flow of blood in the body into electric energy that can be used to power a broad range of electronic devices without using batteries. The study is scheduled for presentation in March at the 237th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. ...> Full Article

Fitter frames: Nanotubes boost structural integrity of composites (3/27/2009)

Fitter frames: Nanotubes boost structural integrity of composites New research finding could lead to more durable aircraft, automotive components ...> Full Article

Scientists patent corrosion-resistant nano-coating for metals (3/26/2009)

Thinner, less toxic than existing coatings; efficient and economical to produce ...> Full Article

Special gold nanoparticles show promise for 'cooking' cancer cells (3/24/2009)

Special gold nanoparticles show promise for 'cooking' cancer cells Researchers have developed the first hollow gold nanospheres -- smaller than the finest flecks of dust -- that search out and "cook" cancer cells. The cancer-destroying nanospheres show particular promise as a minimally invasive future treatment for malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, the researchers say. Their study is scheduled for presentation in March at the 237th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. ...> Full Article

Hollow gold nanospheres show promise for biomedical and other applications (3/23/2009)

A new metal nanostructure developed by researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, has already shown promise in cancer therapy studies and could be used for chemical and biological sensors and other applications as well. The hollow gold nanospheres have a unique set of properties, including strong, narrow and tunable absorption of light. ...> Full Article

Engineers prove that carbon nanotubes are superior to metals for electronics (3/22/2009)

'We are done with metals,' says Cemal Basaran ...> Full Article

'Buckyballs' to treat multiple sclerosis (3/21/2009)

'Buckyballs' to treat multiple sclerosis If you're of a certain age, you'll remember Buckminster Fuller's distinctive "geodesic domes" -- soccer-ball-shaped structures that the late futurist envisioned as ideal human domiciles. Tel Aviv University chemists remember them too -- and are now putting them to use in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. ...> Full Article

No small measure: Origins of nanorod diameter discovered (3/20/2009)

A new study answers a key question at the very heart of nanotechnology: Why are nanorods so small? Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have discovered the origins of nanorod diameter, demonstrating that the competition and collaboration among various mechanisms of atomic transport hold the key to nanorod size. The researchers say it is the first study to identify the fundamental reasons why nearly all nanorods have a diameter on the order of 100 nanometers. ...> Full Article

Slimmer, stickier nanorods give boost to 3-D computer chips (3/18/2009)

Slimmer, stickier nanorods give boost to 3-D computer chips Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a new technique for growing slimmer copper nanorods, a key step for advancing integrated 3-D chip technology. These thinner copper nanorods fuse together, or anneal, at about 300 degrees Celsius. This relatively low annealing temperature could make the nanorods ideal for use in heat-sensitive nanoelectronics, particularly for "gluing" together the stacked components of 3-D computer chips. ...> Full Article

Nanocups brim with potential (3/17/2009)

Light-bending metamaterial could lead to superlenses, invisibility cloaks ...> Full Article

Quantum dots and nanomaterials: Ingredients for better lighting and more reliable power (3/16/2009)

Two energy-industry companies are investing in research at Arizona State University's Advanced Photovoltaics Center. Researchers are exploring uses of nanomaterials and, specifically, "quantum dots," in technology to more effectively harness solar light for conversion into electrical power and to produce lighting devices that are more durable and energy-efficient that current products. In addition, this next generation of lighting devises conceivably could be fashioned into an almost unlimited variety of customized shapes. ...> Full Article

Revealing new applications for carbon nanomaterials in hydrogen storage (3/15/2009)

An international research team, involving Professor Rajeev Ahuja at Uppsala University and researchers in the USA, set out to understand the mechanism behind the catalytic effects of carbon nanomaterials. Experimental and theoretical efforts were combined in a synergistic approach and the results, published this week in the ASAP section of the journal Nano Letters, will fasten efforts to develop new catalysts. ...> Full Article

Physicist develops battery using new source of energy (3/14/2009)

Physicist develops battery using new source of energy His discovery is a 'proof of principle' of the existence of a 'spin battery' ...> Full Article

Nanowires may lead to better fuel cells (3/13/2009)

The creation of long platinum nanowires at the University of Rochester could soon lead to the development of commercially viable fuel cells by providing significant increases in both the longevity and efficiency of fuel cells. Nanowire enhanced fuel cells could power many types of vehicles, helping reduce the use of petroleum fuels for transportation. ...> Full Article

Nanotubes find niche in electric switches (3/13/2009)

Nanotubes find niche in electric switches Study finds nanotube structures could improve electric motors ...> Full Article

Spinning carbon nanotubes spawns new wireless applications (3/12/2009)

Spinning carbon nanotubes spawns new wireless applications Lighter, cheaper, safer -- a team of researchers at the University of Cincinnati, known for their world record-breaking carbon nanotubes, has discovered new applications of use to both military and consumer audiences ...> Full Article

New nanoporous material has highest surface area yet (3/11/2009)

University of Michigan researchers have developed a nanoporous material with a surface area significantly higher than that of any other porous material reported to date. ...> Full Article

It's raining pentagons (3/11/2009)

It's raining pentagons This week's Nature Materials reveals how an international team of scientists led by researchers at the London Center for Nanotechnology at UCL have discovered a novel one dimensional ice chain structure built from pentagons that may prove to be a step toward the development of new materials which can be used to seed clouds and cause rain. ...> Full Article

Buckyballs could keep water systems flowing (3/10/2009)

Buckyballs could keep water systems flowing Microscopic particles of carbon known as buckyballs may be able to keep the nation's water pipes clear in the same way clot-busting drugs prevent arteries from clogging up. ...> Full Article

Sunlight turns carbon dioxide to methane (3/9/2009)

Dual catalysts may be the key to efficiently turning carbon dioxide and water vapor into methane and other hydrocarbons using titania nanotubes and solar power, according to Penn State researchers. ...> Full Article

Magnetic nanoparticles navigate therapeutic genes through the body (3/8/2009)

PTB measures the pinpointed transport of therapeutics for cardiovascular diseases ...> Full Article

Chemists find secret to increasing luminescence efficiency of carbon nanotubes (3/7/2009)

Breakthrough procedure has potential applications in medical imaging, homeland security, biological sensors ...> Full Article

Researchers discover a potential on-off switch for nanoelectronics (3/6/2009)

Researchers discover a potential on-off switch for nanoelectronics Berkeley Lab researchers have shown that electrical resistance through a molecular junction -- a nanometer scale circuit element that contacts gold atoms with a single molecule -- can be turned "on" and "off" simply by pushing and pulling the junction. This feature has potential for being used as a switch in future nanoscale electronic devices. ...> Full Article

'Nanostitching' could strengthen airplane skins, more (3/5/2009)

MIT engineers are using carbon nanotubes only billionths of a meter thick to stitch together aerospace materials in work that could make airplane skins and other products some 10 times stronger at a nominal increase in cost. ...> Full Article

Nanostructure boosts efficiency in energy transport (3/4/2009)

Nanostructure boosts efficiency in energy transport Complimentary semiconductors enhance 'water-splitting' technique ...> Full Article

Nano-sonar uses electrons to measure under the surface (3/1/2009)

Nano-sonar uses electrons to measure under the surface Julich researchers take a look deep inside metals ...> Full Article

Creative Arts 2011 Calendars
New Articles
World-first to provide building blocks for new nano devices

Nanoscale probe reveals interactions between surfaces and single molecules

A new twist for nanopillar light collectorsA new twist for nanopillar light collectors

Nanotechnology: A dead end for plant cells?

Artificial black holes made with metamaterials

Imaging tool may aid nanoelectronics by screening tiny tubesImaging tool may aid nanoelectronics by screening tiny tubes

Nanotechnology and equity issues explored in new book

Nanoengineers aim to grow tissues with functional blood vesselsNanoengineers aim to grow tissues with functional blood vessels

Team develops nanoscale light sensor compatible with 'Etch-a-Sketch' nanoelectronic platformTeam develops nanoscale light sensor compatible with 'Etch-a-Sketch' nanoelectronic platform

Breaking the ice before it beginsBreaking the ice before it begins

Tecnalia investigates nanoparticles for soil remediation

Graphene's strength lies in its defectsGraphene's strength lies in its defects

Step by step toward tomorrow's nanomaterialStep by step toward tomorrow's nanomaterial

Sugar and slice make graphene real niceSugar and slice make graphene real nice

New forms of highly efficient, flexible nanogenerator technologyNew forms of highly efficient, flexible nanogenerator technology

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