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Scientists discover 'catastrophic event' behind the halt of star birth in early galaxy formationScientists discover 'catastrophic event' behind the halt of star birth in early galaxy formation

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All Articles Tagged As: fullerenes

Carbon nanostructures -- elixir or poison? (4/2/2010)

A Los Alamos National Laboratory toxicologist and a multidisciplinary team of researchers have documented potential cellular damage from "fullerenes" -- soccer-ball-shaped, cage-like molecules composed of 60 carbon atoms. The team also noted that this particular type of damage might hold hope for treatment of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease or even cancer. ...> Full Article

Where do nanomaterials go in the body? (11/5/2009)

Tiny, engineered nanomaterials can already be found in many consumer products, and have been hailed as having widespread future uses in areas ranging from medicine to industrial processes. However, little is known about what happens if these nanomaterials get into your body -- where do they go? NC State researchers are working to answer that question under a grant from the National Institutes of Health. ...> Full Article

Remote-control closed system invented for inserting radio-active atoms inside fullerenes (7/9/2009)

Remote-control closed system invented for inserting radio-active atoms inside fullerenes The new material will increase control of radiation therapy ...> Full Article

'Buckyballs' have high potential to accumulate in living tissue (10/17/2008)

Research suggests synthetic carbon molecules called fullerenes, or buckyballs, have a high potential of being accumulated in animal tissue, but the molecules also appear to break down in sunlight, perhaps reducing their possible environmental dangers. ...> Full Article

Breakthrough in nanotechnology by uncovering conductive property of carbon-based molecules (4/19/2008)

Newfound ability of organic molecules to conduct electricity opens door to smaller, cheaper and more powerful technologies ...> Full Article


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