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All Articles Tagged As: buckyballs

Carbon nanostructures -- elixir or poison? (4/2/2010)

A Los Alamos National Laboratory toxicologist and a multidisciplinary team of researchers have documented potential cellular damage from "fullerenes" -- soccer-ball-shaped, cage-like molecules composed of 60 carbon atoms. The team also noted that this particular type of damage might hold hope for treatment of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease or even cancer. ...> Full Article

'Nanodragster' races toward the future of molecular machines (1/7/2010)

'Nanodragster' races toward the future of molecular machines Scientists in Texas are reporting the development of a "nanodragster" that may speed the course toward development of a new generation of futuristic molecular machines. The vehicle -- only 1/50,000th the width of a human hair -- resembles a hot-rod in shape and can outperform previous nano-sized vehicles. Their report is in ACS' Organic Letters, a bi-weekly journal. ...> Full Article

New study confirms exotic electric properties of graphene (11/18/2009)

New study confirms exotic electric properties of graphene First, it was the soccer-ball-shaped molecules dubbed buckyballs. Then it was the cylindrically shaped nanotubes. Now, the hottest new material in physics and nanotechnology is graphene: a remarkably flat molecule made of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal rings much like molecular chicken wire. ...> Full Article

Scientists manipulate ripples in graphene, enabling strain-based graphene electronics (7/30/2009)

Scientists manipulate ripples in graphene, enabling strain-based graphene electronics Scientists at the University of California, Riverside, report the first direct observation and controlled creation via simple thermal manipulation of one- and two-dimensional ripples in graphene sheets. The result has important implications for controlling thermally induced stress in graphene electronics and represents the first step towards strain-based graphene engineering. The thermal contraction of graphene had been predicted theoretically, but the UC Riverside lab is the first to demonstrate and quantify the phenomenon experimentally. ...> Full Article

Buckyballs could keep water systems flowing (3/10/2009)

Buckyballs could keep water systems flowing Microscopic particles of carbon known as buckyballs may be able to keep the nation's water pipes clear in the same way clot-busting drugs prevent arteries from clogging up. ...> Full Article

Manufactured Buckyballs don't harm microbes that clean the environment (4/9/2008)

Manufactured Buckyballs don't harm microbes that clean the environment Even large amounts of manufactured nanoparticles, also known as Buckyballs, don't faze microscopic organisms that are charged with cleaning up the environment ...> Full Article

Tiny buckyballs squeeze hydrogen like giant Jupiter (3/21/2008)

Tiny buckyballs squeeze hydrogen like giant Jupiter Carbon cages can hold super-dense volumes of nearly metallic hydrogen ...> Full Article


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