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Fish can recognize a face based on UV pattern aloneFish can recognize a face based on UV pattern alone

Ancient DNA from rare fossil reveals that polar bears evolved recently and adapted quicklyAncient DNA from rare fossil reveals that polar bears evolved recently and adapted quickly

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Fill 'er up - with algaeFill 'er up - with algae

Scientists discover quantum fingerprints of chaosScientists discover quantum fingerprints of chaos

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All Articles Tagged As: silicon

Nanotechnologists collaborate to form near-frictionless diamond material (3/1/2010)

Nanotechnologists collaborate to form near-frictionless diamond material Mechanical engineers have fabricated an ultra sharp, diamond-like carbon tip possessing such high strength that it is 3,000 times more wear-resistant at the nanoscale than silicon. The end result is a diamond-like carbon material mass-produced at the nanoscale that doesn't wear. ...> Full Article

New silicon-germanium nanowires could lead to smaller, more powerful electronic devices (12/11/2009)

Currently chip manufacturers are facing great challenges in miniaturizing transistors, a semiconductor device commonly used to amplify or switch electronic signals. A recent study, published in the November 27 issue of Science, details how a team of researchers from UCLA, Purdue and IBM have successfully grown semiconducting nanowires made of silicon-germanium that could lead to a new generation of smaller, faster, and more powerful electronics many hope for in the industry. ...> Full Article


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Researchers gain detailed insight into failing heart cells using new nano techniqueResearchers gain detailed insight into failing heart cells using new nano technique

Vigilance needed in nanotechnology

Scientists glimpse nanobubbles on super non-stick surfacesScientists glimpse nanobubbles on super non-stick surfaces

A new way forward for nanocomposite nanostructuresA new way forward for nanocomposite nanostructures

New developments in nanotechnology tackle the 2 biggest problems associated with chemotherapy

Nanotechnologists collaborate to form near-frictionless diamond materialNanotechnologists collaborate to form near-frictionless diamond material

The toxicity of antimicrobial silver in products can be reduced

Stressed nanomaterials display unexpected movementStressed nanomaterials display unexpected movement

Nanotechnology sparks energy storage on paper and clothNanotechnology sparks energy storage on paper and cloth

Nanotechnology could help Arab region

Attacking cancer cells with hydrogel nanoparticlesAttacking cancer cells with hydrogel nanoparticles

Using gold nanoparticles to hit cancer where it hurts

Lou's clues lead to nano revelationLou's clues lead to nano revelation

Silicon-coated nanonets could build a better lithium-ion batterySilicon-coated nanonets could build a better lithium-ion battery

For nanowires, nothing sparkles quite like diamond

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