All Articles Tagged As: nanostructures
Sugar, salt, alcohol and a little serendipity led Northwestern University researchers to discover a new class of nanostructures that could be used for gas storage and food and medical technologies. And the compounds are edible. The porous crystals are the first known all-natural metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that are simple to make. Most other MOFs are made from petroleum-based ingredients, but the Northwestern MOFs you can pop into your mouth and eat, and the researchers have. ...> Full Article
A new statistical analysis technique that identifies and removes systematic bias, noise and equipment-based artifacts from experimental data could lead to more precise and reliable measurement of nanomaterials and nanostructures likely to have future industrial applications. ...> Full Article
Ames Lab physicist observes novel liquid-like motion and nucleation in metallic nanostructures ...> Full Article
Unique nanostructures which respond to stimuli, such as pH, heat and light will pave the way for safer, greener and more efficient chemical reactors. ...> Full Article
Nanostructures improve bone response to titanium implants (7/4/2008)
Nanostructures can help titanium implants by creating a more stable surface connection ...> Full Article
New method 'self-assembles' metal atoms into porous nanostructures ...> Full Article
Gold, DNA Combination May Lead To Nano-Sensor (7/1/2008)
A team of materials engineers and chemists have developed tiny gold nanostructures that can create signals from subtle changes in light reflecting off their nanoscale surfaces. ...> Full Article
Promising New Nanotechnology for Spinal Cord Injury (4/3/2008)
A spinal cord injury often leads to permanent paralysis and loss of sensation below the site of the injury because the damaged nerve fibers can't regenerate. The nerve fibers or axons have the capacity to grow again, but don't because they're blocked by scar tissue that develops around the injury. ...> Full Article