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All Articles Tagged As: nanomaterials

Researchers develop new method for mass-producing graphene (6/26/2010)

Researchers develop new method for mass-producing graphene Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a simple new method for producing large quantities of the promising nanomaterial graphene. The new technique works at room temperature, needs little processing, and paves the way for cost-effective mass production of graphene. ...> Full Article

Peering into the never-before-seen (6/23/2010)

Scientists can now peer into the inner workings of catalyst nanoparticles 3,000 times smaller than a human hair within nanoseconds. ...> Full Article

Summit examines vast applications of nanomedicine (2/3/2010)

SNM's Nanomedicine and Molecular Imaging Summit brings together academic, government and industry experts from across a spectrum of disciplines to explore a topic that may have great application for diagnosing and treating disease in the future. ...> Full Article

First metallic nanoparticles resistant to extreme heat (12/1/2009)

A University of Pittsburgh team overcame a major hurdle plaguing the development of nanomaterials such as those that could lead to more efficient catalysts used to produce hydrogen and render car exhaust less toxic. The researchers reported Nov. 29 in Nature Materials the first demonstration of high-temperature stability in metallic nanoparticles, the vaunted next-generation materials hampered by a vulnerability to extreme heat. ...> Full Article

Nanotech in space: Rensselaer experiment to weather the trials of orbit (11/16/2009)

Nanotech in space: Rensselaer experiment to weather the trials of orbit Novel nanomaterials developed at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are scheduled to blast off into orbit on November 16 aboard Space Shuttle Atlantis. The project, funded by the US Air Force Multi University Research Initiative (MURI), seeks to test the performance of the new nanocomposites in orbit. The materials will be mounted to the International Space Station's outer hull and exposed to the rigors of space. ...> Full Article

Where do nanomaterials go in the body? (11/5/2009)

Tiny, engineered nanomaterials can already be found in many consumer products, and have been hailed as having widespread future uses in areas ranging from medicine to industrial processes. However, little is known about what happens if these nanomaterials get into your body -- where do they go? NC State researchers are working to answer that question under a grant from the National Institutes of Health. ...> Full Article

Scientists bend nanowires into 2-D and 3-D structures (10/22/2009)

Scientists bend nanowires into 2-D and 3-D structures Taking nanomaterials to a new level of structural complexity, scientists have determined how to introduce kinks into arrow-straight nanowires, transforming them into zigzagging two- and three-dimensional structures with correspondingly advanced functions. ...> Full Article

Nanotech protection (10/17/2009)

Writing in a forthcoming issue of the International Journal of Nanotechnology, Canadian engineers suggest that research is needed into the risks associated with the growing field of nanotechnology manufacture so that appropriate protective equipment can be developed urgently. ...> Full Article

EPA announces research strategy to study nanomaterials (10/3/2009)

The US Environmental Protection Agency today outlined a new research strategy to better understand how manufactured nanomaterials may harm human health and the environment. The strategy outlines what research EPA will support over the next several years to generate information about the safe use of nanotechnology and products that contain nano-scale materials. ...> Full Article

Researchers harness carbon nanomaterials for drug delivery systems, oxygen sensors (8/20/2009)

Two nanoscale devices recently reported by University of Pittsburgh researchers in two separate journals harness the potential of carbon nanomaterials to enhance technologies for drug or imaging agent delivery and energy storage systems, in one case, and, in the other, bolster the sensitivity of oxygen sensors essential in confined settings, from mines to spacecrafts. ...> Full Article

New statistical technique improves precision of nanotechnology data (7/2/2009)

New statistical technique improves precision of nanotechnology data A new statistical analysis technique that identifies and removes systematic bias, noise and equipment-based artifacts from experimental data could lead to more precise and reliable measurement of nanomaterials and nanostructures likely to have future industrial applications. ...> Full Article

Nano-sandwich triggers novel electron behavior (5/8/2009)

A lattice of vanadium dioxide molecules just six atoms thick in which electrons appear to be guided by conflicting laws of physics depending on their direction of travel has been modeled by a team of physicists at the University of California, Davis. Its unique properties could open up a new world of possibilities in the emerging field of spintronics technology, which takes advantage of the magnetic as well as the electric properties of electrons in the design of novel electronic devices. ...> Full Article

Models present new view of nanoscale friction (2/26/2009)

Friction is a force that affects any application where moving parts come into contact; the more surface contact there is, the stronger the force. At the nanoscale -- mere billionths of a meter -- friction can wreak havoc on tiny devices made from only a small number of atoms or molecules. With their high surface-to-volume ratio, nanomaterials are especially susceptible to the forces of friction. ...> Full Article

Nanotube's 'tapestry' controls its growth (2/7/2009)

Nanotube's 'tapestry' controls its growth PNAS study answers longstanding mystery about carbon nanomaterials ...> Full Article

World's first mandatory national nanotech rule pending (1/29/2009)

Canadian officials plan to require quantity, usage and toxicity data ...> Full Article

Study will trace path of nanomaterials (9/5/2008)

Working to ensure the safe use of nanomaterials is the basis of a new Rice study funded by the National Science Foundation. ...> Full Article

A regulatory blueprint for the next administration (7/27/2008)

Former EPA official highlights shortcomings of current federal oversight ...> Full Article

Lensless camera uses X-rays to view nanoscale materials and biological specimens (2/21/2008)

Lensless camera uses X-rays to view nanoscale materials and biological specimens X-rays have been used for decades to take pictures of broken bones, but scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and their collaborators have developed a lensless X-ray technique that can take images of ultra-small structures buried in nanoparticles and nanomaterials, and features within whole biological cells such as cellular nuclei. ...> Full Article


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Researchers develop new method for mass-producing grapheneResearchers develop new method for mass-producing graphene

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Peering into the never-before-seen

Using carbon nanotubes in lithium batteries can dramatically improve energy capacityUsing carbon nanotubes in lithium batteries can dramatically improve energy capacity

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Nanotech yields major advance in heat transfer, cooling technologiesNanotech yields major advance in heat transfer, cooling technologies

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LVEM5 used by US Air Force Research Laboratory to Create Novel Bioassembled MaterialsLVEM5 used by US Air Force Research Laboratory to Create Novel Bioassembled Materials

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