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All Articles Tagged As: nanocrystals

Stressed nanomaterials display unexpected movement (2/26/2010)

Stressed nanomaterials display unexpected movement Researchers have discovered that, under the right conditions, newly developed nanocrystalline materials exhibit surprising activity in the tiny spaces between the geometric clusters of atoms called nanocrystals from which they are made. ...> Full Article

Strain on nanocrystals could yield colossal results (9/18/2009)

Strain on nanocrystals could yield colossal results In finally answering an elusive scientific question, researchers with the US Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have shown that the selective placement of strain can alter the electronic phase and its spatial arrangement in correlated electron materials. This unique class of materials is commanding much attention now because they can display properties such as colossal magnetoresistance and high-temperature superconductivity, which are highly coveted by the high-tech industry. ...> Full Article

Gold solution for enhancing nanocrystal electrical conductance (9/13/2009)

Gold solution for enhancing nanocrystal electrical conductance In a development that holds much promise for the future of solar electricity and fuel, Berkeley Lab researchers used gold tips grown in solution to increase the electrical conductivity of cadmium-selenide nanorod crystals by 100,000 times. ...> Full Article

Let there be light: Teaching magnets to do more than just stick around (8/23/2009)

Researchers led by a University of Washington chemist have found a way to train tiny semiconductor crystals, called nanocrystals or quantum dots, to display new magnetic functions at room temperature using light as a trigger. ...> Full Article

Growth spurts (8/11/2009)

Growth spurts Berkeley Lab experts in nanocrystal growth and electron microscopy combined their skills to record the first ever direct observations in real-time of the growth of single nanocrystals in solution. Their findings revealed that there are two distinct trajectories by which nanocrystals can grow but in the end the crystals come out roughly the same size and shape. ...> Full Article

More than meets the eye: New blue light nanocrystals (7/22/2009)

More than meets the eye: New blue light nanocrystals ...> Full Article

Nanocrystals reveal activity within cells (6/18/2009)

Nanocrystals reveal activity within cells Researchers at the US Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have created bright, stable and bio-friendly nanocrystals that act as individual investigators of activity within a cell. These ideal light emitting probes represent a significant step in scrutinizing the behaviors of proteins and other components in complex systems such as a living cell ...> Full Article

Discovery of non-blinking semiconductor nanocrystals advances their applications (5/18/2009)

Substantial advances for applications of nanocrystals in the fields requiring a continuous output of photons and high quantum efficiency may soon be realized due to discovery of non-blinking semiconductor nanocrystals. This discovery announced by scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory, University of Rochester, Cornell University and Eastman Kodak Company is an important step to the use of nanocrystals in various practical devices ranging from low-threshold lasers to the solar cells and biological imaging and tracking. ...> Full Article

New nanocrystals show potential for cheap lasers, new lighting (5/12/2009)

New nanocrystals show potential for cheap lasers, new lighting For more than a decade, scientists have been frustrated in their attempts to create continuously emitting light sources from individual molecules because of an optical quirk called "blinking," but now scientists at the University of Rochester have uncovered the basic physics behind the phenomenon, and along with researchers at the Eastman Kodak Company, created a nanocrystal that constantly emits light. ...> Full Article

New imaging technique reveals the atomic structure of nanocrystals (2/22/2009)

A new imaging technique developed by researchers at the University of Illinois overcomes the limit of diffraction and can reveal the atomic structure of a single nanocrystal with a resolution of less than one angstrom (less than one hundred-millionth of a centimeter). ...> Full Article

Research highlights potential for improved solar cells (2/12/2009)

Certain nanocrystals shown to generate more than one electron ...> Full Article

New research expected to improve laser devices and make photovoltaics more efficient (11/16/2008)

University of Chicago research ...> Full Article

Engineering Nanoparticles for Maximum Strength (10/22/2008)

Engineering Nanoparticles for Maximum Strength Individual nanocrystals are remarkably strong. But under stress, complex nanostructures quickly fail because of internal strains. New research on hollow nanospheres shows that engineering can greatly increase the strength of complex nanoparticles. The results could lead to stronger nanostructures and large-scale alloys as well. ...> Full Article

A new material could act as a nanofridge for microchips (10/9/2008)

New material could be used to manufacture smaller and faster computers ...> Full Article

Tiny Particles Solve Big Problems (6/10/2008)

Cutting edge nanotechnology research at North Carolina State University is leading to advances in everything from revitalizing HIV drugs to creating harder, stronger nanocrystalline iron that can really take the heat. ...> Full Article

Breakthrough results in super-hard nanocrystalline iron that can take the heat (5/30/2008)

Researchers have created a substance far stronger and harder than conventional iron, and which retains these properties under extremely high temperatures - opening the door to a wide variety of potential applications, such as engine components that are exposed to high stress and high temperatures. ...> Full Article

Researchers Mimic Bacteria To Produce Magnetic Nanoparticles (4/15/2008)

Researchers Mimic Bacteria To Produce Magnetic Nanoparticles Researchers are mimicking bacteria to synthesize magnetic nanoparticles that could be used for drug targeting and delivery ...> Full Article

Measurement technique probes surface structure of gold nanocrystals (3/12/2008)

Measurement technique probes surface structure of gold nanocrystals Researchers have demonstrated a sensitive probe that can identify and characterize the atomic structure of gold and other nanocrystalline materials ...> Full Article


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Research may lead to new ways to transport and manipulate moleculesResearch may lead to new ways to transport and manipulate molecules

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