All Articles Tagged As: nanocomposites
Wind turbine blades enjoy a steady wind but can be damaged by gust-induced vibrations. The researcher proposes to create tiny sensor patches that can be selectively placed in key locations where it is anticipated that damage will start. The patches are made of the same base material as the blade but sprinkled with carbon nanotubes, resulting in a nanocomposite sensor which adds negligible weight to the structure. ...> Full Article
Berkeley Lab researchers at the Molecular Foundry have developed a universal method by which designer nanomaterials can be created on-demand. This scheme can be used to create materials for battery electrodes, photovoltaics and electronic data storage among a great many other possible applications. ...> Full Article
A new high-performance anode structure based on silicon-carbon nanocomposite materials could significantly improve the performance of lithium-ion batteries used in a wide range of applications from hybrid vehicles to portable electronics. ...> Full Article
Tecnalia-Construccion is taking part, together with other European companies and technological centres, in the FACOMP project, the main goal of which is to develop lighter structural materials and with better performances, particularly thermal and durability, for the construction sector. ...> Full Article
Scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory and the University of Illinois -- Urbana Champaign recently reported a new technique for directly writing composites of nanoparticles and polymers. Recent years have seen significant advances in the properties achieved by both these materials, and so researchers have begun to blend these materials into nanocomposites that access the properties of both materials. ...> Full Article
Novel nanomaterials developed at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are scheduled to blast off into orbit on November 16 aboard Space Shuttle Atlantis. The project, funded by the US Air Force Multi University Research Initiative (MURI), seeks to test the performance of the new nanocomposites in orbit. The materials will be mounted to the International Space Station's outer hull and exposed to the rigors of space. ...> Full Article
A group of researchers headed by Prof. Duan Xuanming with the CAS Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry in Beijing has achieved new advances in in-situ synthesis and fabrication of the 3D-microstrucutres in multi-colored polymer nanocomposites. ...> Full Article
Creating a so-called "super nanocomposite" that can revolutionize a range of products is the dream of materials scientists. So far, that's proved elusive. A University of Nebraska-Lincoln engineer shares that big dream but said he thinks using nanomaterials to strengthen small structures is more promising and cost-effective for the near-term. ...> Full Article