All Articles Tagged As: nanoclusters
Researchers at the Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience Center of the University of Jyvaskyla have resolved the structural, electronic and optical properties of a chiral gold nanocluster that remained a mystery for 10 years. ...> Full Article
Scientists at the US Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory have identified a new class of silver-based catalysts for the production of the industrially useful chemical propylene oxide that is both environmentally friendly and less expensive. ...> Full Article
Highly fluorescent gold nanoclusters for sub-cellular imaging ...> Full Article
Discovery speeds production and yields; may lead to greener process ...> Full Article
Controlling the size of nanoclusters (8/20/2008)
Researcher to discuss model nanocatalysts of molybdenum sulfide, the first step in developing the next generation of materials to be used in hydrodesulfurization, a process that removes sulfur, a pollutant, from natural gas and petroleum products ...> Full Article
Report is the first to describe the principles behind the stability and electronic properties of tiny nanoclusters of metallic gold ...> Full Article
Controlling the Size of Nanoclusters: First Step in Making New Catalysts (7/10/2008)
Researchers have developed a new instrument that allows them to control the size of nanoclusters - groups of 10 to 100 atoms - with atomic precision ...> Full Article
Scientists discover how the structure of plutonium nanocluster contaminants increases risk of spreading (4/24/2008)
Scientists were able to use high-energy X-rays to discover and study the structure of plutonium nanoclusters. ...> Full Article
Scientists discover how nanocluster contaminants increase risk of spreading (4/21/2008)
Researchers were able to use high-energy X-rays from to finally discover and study the structure of plutonium nanoclusters ...> Full Article
Physicists have found that applying an electrical field on a surface-supported gold nanocluster changes its structure from a three-dimensional one to a planar flat structure. In another paper, they relate their discovery that gold in this size regime can be made magnetic through oxygenation of gold nanowires. They also found that up to a certain length, oxygenated gold nanowires behave as a conducting metal, but beyond that, they become insulators. This marks the first time on the nanoscale that such a metal-to-insulation transition has been found on the nanoscale. Both findings are important predictions that could some day be implemented as control parameters governing the chemical and physical material properties employed in nanotechnology. ...> Full Article