All Articles Tagged As: lithography
Using a chemical trick that allows them to change the acidity of a solution almost instantly, a team at NIST has demonstrated a simple and effective technique for quantifying how the stability of nanoparticle solutions change when the acidity of their environment suddenly changes. ...> Full Article
Nanoscience has the potential to play an enormous role in enhancing a range of products, including sensors, photovoltaics and consumer electronics. Scientists in this field have created a multitude of nano scale materials, such as metal nanocrystals, carbon nanotubes and semiconducting nanowires. ...> Full Article
Thermochemical nanolithography now allows multiple chemicals on a chip (12/19/2009)
Scientists at Georgia Tech have developed a nanolithographic technique that can produce high-resolution patterns of at least three different chemicals on a single chip at writing speeds of up to one millimeter per second. The nanopatterns can be designed with any shape and are stable enough to be stored for weeks and used elsewhere. ...> Full Article
Researchers in California are reporting development of a so-called "NanoPen" that could provide a quick, convenient way of laying down patterns of nanoparticles -- from wires to circuits -- for making futuristic electronic devices, medical diagnostic tests, and other much-anticipated nanotech applications. A report on the device, which helps solve a long-standing challenge in nanotechnology, appeared in ACS' Nano Letters, a monthly journal. ...> Full Article
Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have created the first carbon nanotube device that can detect the entire visible spectrum of light, a feat that could soon allow scientists to probe single molecule transformations, study how those molecules respond to light, observe how the molecules change shapes, and understand other fundamental interactions between molecules and nanotubes. ...> Full Article
Promises manufacturing advances in electronics and biomedical devices ...> Full Article
MIT researchers are developing the basic principles of nano-origami, a new technique that allows engineers to fold nanoscale materials into simple 3-D structures. The tiny folded materials could be used as motors and capacitors, potentially leading to better computer memory storage, faster microprocessors and new nanophotonic devices. ...> Full Article
Detecting tiny twists with a nanomachine (11/5/2008)
Nanoscale device may reveal spin-dependent fundamental forces and provide new methods of characterizing torque-generating molecules and DNA strands ...> Full Article
Progress toward new storage media (10/29/2008)
Switchable nanostripes: Spin-transition compound can be deposited in ordered crystalline microstructures ...> Full Article
For the first time, the UCSB scientists have created a way to make square, nanoscale, chemical patterns - from the bottom up - that may be used in the manufacture of integrated circuit chips as early as 2011. It is called block co-polymer lithography. ...> Full Article