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All Articles Tagged As: grants

ERC advanced grant for Professor Zandbergen's 'nanolaboratory' (11/7/2010)

Henny Zandbergen, professor at the Kavli Institute of NanoScience, has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million euros ($3.5 million) for his research into improved microscopic technologies. The technologies enable Professor Zandbergen to visualise extremely small structures, such as semiconductor nanowires, all the way down to atomic level. What is especially remarkable is that the structures that are made visible in this way can be measured at the same time. ...> Full Article

Federal nanotechnology renewal grant awarded to ASU faculty (11/4/2010)

Professors at Arizona State University's Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law and the Center for Nanotechnology in Society at ASU have received a federal grant to pursue their research of nanotechnology regulation. The $248,230 award, "Governing Nanotechnology Risks and Benefits in the Transition to Regulation," from the US Department of Energy Office of Science, will enable the researchers to evaluate novel "soft law" mechanisms for oversight of the technology. ...> Full Article

Mount Sinai leads program of excellence in nanotechnology with $16.5 million grant (10/4/2010)

Mount Sinai School of Medicine received a contract for almost $16.5 million from The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLBI) through the Program of Excellence in Nanotechnology (PEN). The contract is one of four issued nationally to develop multidisciplinary research Centers with the goal of developing nanotechnology tools for diagnosing and treating heart, lung and blood diseases. ...> Full Article


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Voluntary initiatives, regulation and nanotechnology oversight

ERC advanced grant for Professor Zandbergen's 'nanolaboratory'

Federal nanotechnology renewal grant awarded to ASU faculty

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NIH renews Nanomedicine Center focused on treating single-gene disorders for $16.1 millionNIH renews Nanomedicine Center focused on treating single-gene disorders for $16.1 million

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Water could hold answer to graphene nanoelectronicsWater could hold answer to graphene nanoelectronics

Electron billiards in nanoscale circuits

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