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All Articles Tagged As: energy

Nano Letters publishes Dr. Yong Shi's energy harvesting technology (7/13/2010)

Dr. Shi's research focuses on miniature energy harvesting technologies that could potentially power wireless electronics, portable devices, stretchable electronics and implantable biosensors. ...> Full Article

New fiber nanogenerators could lead to electric clothing (2/18/2010)

New fiber nanogenerators could lead to electric clothing In research that gives literal meaning to the term "power suit," UC Berkeley engineers have created energy-scavenging nanofibers that could one day be woven into clothing and textiles. The technology could eventually lead to wearable "smart clothes" that can power hand-held electronics through ordinary body movements. ...> Full Article

Dip ordinary paper into ink infused with nanotubes and nanowires to create an instant battery (12/13/2009)

Dip ordinary paper into ink infused with nanotubes and nanowires to create an instant battery Dip an ordinary piece of paper into ink infused with carbon nanotubes and silver nanowires, and it turns into a battery or supercapacitor. Crumple the piece of paper, and it still works. Stanford researcher Yi Cui sees many uses for this new way of storing electricity. ...> Full Article

Lower-cost solar cells to be printed like newspaper, painted on rooftops (8/26/2009)

Lower-cost solar cells to be printed like newspaper, painted on rooftops ...> Full Article

Team to study applicability of solar cell coatings (7/3/2009)

A project under way at the US Department of Energy's Savannah River National Laboratory will study how special coatings that mimic structures found in nature can increase the usefulness of solar energy as a vital part of the nation's future energy strategy. ...> Full Article

New rotors could help develop nanoscale generators (5/29/2009)

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have developed a molecular structure that could help create current-generating machines at the nanoscale. ...> Full Article

Discovery of an unexpected boost for solar water-splitting cells (4/25/2009)

Discovery of an unexpected boost for solar water-splitting cells A research team from Northeastern University and NIST has discovered, serendipitously, that a residue of a process used to build arrays of titania nanotubes -- a residue that wasn't even noticed before this -- plays an important role in improving the performance of the nanotubes in solar cells that produce hydrogen gas from water. ...> Full Article

Bridging the gap in nanoantennas (4/21/2009)

Bridging the gap in nanoantennas A recent publication in Nature Photonics reports an innovative method for controlling light on the nanoscale by adopting tuning concepts from radio-frequency technology. The method opens the door for targeted design of antenna-based applications including highly sensitive biosensors and extremely fast photodetectors, which could play an important role in future biomedical diagnostics and information processing. ...> Full Article

New nanogenerator may charge iPods and cell phones with a wave of the hand (3/28/2009)

New nanogenerator may charge iPods and cell phones with a wave of the hand A new nanogenerator may charge iPods and cell phones with a wave of the hand. Scientists from Georgia describe technology that converts mechanical energy from body movements or even the flow of blood in the body into electric energy that can be used to power a broad range of electronic devices without using batteries. The study is scheduled for presentation in March at the 237th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. ...> Full Article

Nanogenerators produce electricity from running rodents and tapping fingers (2/18/2009)

Nanogenerators produce electricity from running rodents and tapping fingers Hamster pCould hamsters help solve the world's energy crisis? Probably not, but a hamster wearing a power-generating jacket is doing its own small part to provide a new and renewable source of electricity.ower ...> Full Article

New small-scale generator produces alternating current by stretching zinc oxide wires (11/10/2008)

New small-scale generator produces alternating current by stretching zinc oxide wires Flexible charge pump ...> Full Article

Scientists grow 'nanonets' able to snare added energy transfer (9/3/2008)

Scientists grow 'nanonets' able to snare added energy transfer New structure improves material used in microelectronics and water-splitting ...> Full Article

Nanotech Fuel Cell Research May Clear Hydrogen Hurdles (8/7/2008)

Nanotech Fuel Cell Research May Clear Hydrogen Hurdles Nanopores' honeycomb like structure enables more efficient chemical reactions in next generation fuel cells ...> Full Article

Upgrading Li-battery performance via nanotechnology (6/25/2008)

Upgrading Li-battery performance via nanotechnology Chinese researchers have made progress in V2O5 hollow microspheres for high-performance cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries ...> Full Article

Sweet nanotech batteries (4/11/2008)

Nanotechnology could solve lithium battery charging problems ...> Full Article

Remarkable New Clothing May Someday Power Your MP3 Player (2/14/2008)

Remarkable New Clothing May Someday Power Your MP3 Player The promise of piezoelectric fiber pairs ...> Full Article

Researchers Make Thermoelectric Breakthrough in Silicon Nanowires (1/11/2008)

Researchers Make Thermoelectric Breakthrough in Silicon Nanowires Energy now lost as heat during the production of electricity could be harnessed through the use of silicon nanowires synthesized via a technique developed by researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of California (UC) at Berkeley. The far-ranging potential applications of this technology include DOE's hydrogen fuel cell-powered "Freedom CAR," and personal power-jackets that could use heat from the human body to recharge cell-phones and other electronic devices. ...> Full Article

New nanostructured thin film shows promise for efficient solar energy conversion (1/9/2008)

New nanostructured thin film shows promise for efficient solar energy conversion In the race to make solar cells cheaper and more efficient, many researchers and start-up companies are betting on new designs that exploit nanostructures--materials engineered on the scale of a billionth of a meter. Using nanotechnology, researchers can experiment with and control how a material generates, captures, transports, and stores free electrons--properties that are important for the conversion of sunlight into electricity. ...> Full Article

Solar cells of the future (12/7/2007)

A new material, nano flakes, may revolutionise the transformation of solar energy to electricity. If so, even ordinary households can benefit from solar electricity and save money in the future. ...> Full Article

Sperm-powered nano-robots (12/4/2007)

Sperm-powered nano-robots Researchers are working to use the same energy that drives sperm to power nanoscale robots or to deliver chemo drugs or antibiotics, for example, to targeted sites within the body. ...> Full Article

Pioneering research seeks to harness force of nature (11/15/2007)

A pioneering team from the University of Leicester is seeking to harness a force of nature- only measured accurately a decade ago - to help develop the technology of tomorrow. ...> Full Article

Student photovoltaic initiatives energizing Berkeley campus (11/11/2007)

Student photovoltaic initiatives energizing Berkeley campus Harnessing renewable energy from the sun is a research challenge firing student interest across the campus ...> Full Article

Researchers Create First Fully Functional Nanotube Radio (11/2/2007)

Researchers Create First Fully Functional Nanotube Radio Make way for the real nanopod and make room in the Guinness World Records. A team of researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of California at Berkeley have created the first fully functional radio from a single carbon nanotube, which makes it by several orders of magnitude the smallest radio ever made. ...> Full Article

Could Nanotechnology Revolutionize Natural Gas Industry? (11/1/2007)

Could Nanotechnology Revolutionize Natural Gas Industry? Nanotechnology could revolutionize the natural gas industry across the whole lifecycle from extraction to pollution reduction or be an enormous missed opportunity, claim two industry experts writing in Inderscience's International Journal of Nanotechnology. They suggest that nanotechnology could help us extract more fuel and feedstock hydrocarbons from dwindling resources. However, industry inertia and a lack of awareness of the benefits could mean a missed opportunity. ...> Full Article

Sol-gel inks produce complex shapes with nanoscale features (10/12/2007)

Sol-gel inks produce complex shapes with nanoscale features New sol-gel inks can be printed into patterns to produce three-dimensional structures of metal oxides with nanoscale features. ...> Full Article

Researchers seek inexpensive, efficient ways to capture sun's energy (9/11/2007)

Researchers seek inexpensive, efficient ways to capture sun's energy Every minute, the Earth receives more energy from the sun than people burn up in fossil fuels in a full year. Virtually all of that free light and heat energy is unused, wasted. ...> Full Article

Beyond Batteries: Storing Power in a Sheet of Paper (8/13/2007)

Beyond Batteries: Storing Power in a Sheet of Paper Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a new energy storage device that easily could be mistaken for a simple sheet of black paper. ...> Full Article


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