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All Articles Tagged As: carbon nanotubes

Magnets trump metallics (7/12/2010)

Rice physicist Junichiro Kono and his team have been studying the Aharonov-Bohm effect -- the interaction between electrically charged particles and magnetic fields -- and how it relates to carbon nanotubes. While doing so, they came to the unexpected conclusion that magnetic fields can turn highly conductive nanotubes into semiconductors. ...> Full Article

Researchers discover new way of producing electricity (3/12/2010)

Researchers discover new way of producing electricity A team of scientists at MIT have discovered a previously unknown phenomenon that can cause powerful waves of energy to shoot through minuscule wires known as carbon nanotubes. The discovery could lead to a new way of producing electricity, the researchers say. ...> Full Article

Scientists develop DNA origami nanoscale breadboards for carbon nanotube circuits (11/11/2009)

Scientists develop DNA origami nanoscale breadboards for carbon nanotube circuits In work that someday may lead to the development of novel types of nanoscale electronic devices, an interdisciplinary team of researchers at the California Institute of Technology has combined DNA's talent for self-assembly with the remarkable electronic properties of carbon nanotubes, thereby suggesting a solution to the long-standing problem of organizing carbon nanotubes into nanoscale electronic circuits. ...> Full Article

Study shows how carbon nanotubes can affect lining of the lungs (10/31/2009)

Carbon nanotubes are being considered for use in everything from sports equipment to medical applications, but a great deal remains unknown about whether these materials cause respiratory or other health problems. Now a collaborative study from North Carolina State University, the Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences shows that inhaling these nanotubes can affect the outer lining of the lung, though the effects of long-term exposure remain unclear. ...> Full Article

Better control of carbon nanotube 'growth' promising for future electronics (10/2/2009)

Better control of carbon nanotube 'growth' promising for future electronics Researchers have overcome a major obstacle in efforts to use tiny structures called carbon nanotubes to create a new class of electronics that would be faster and smaller than conventional silicon-based transistors. ...> Full Article

Researchers make carbon nanotubes without metal catalyst (8/12/2009)

Oxides, as well as metals, seem to be able to sprout carbon nanotubes ...> Full Article

Nanotubes take flight (8/3/2009)

Nanotubes take flight Rice scientists use nanomaterials to grow flying carpets, 'odako' kites ...> Full Article

Video shows nanotube spins as it grows (7/29/2009)

Video shows nanotube spins as it grows New video showing the atom-by-atom growth of carbon nanotubes reveals they spin stepwise as they grow, much like a ticking clock. Published online this month by researchers at France's Université Lyon1/CNRS and Houston's Rice University, the research provides the first experimental evidence of how individual atoms are added to growing nanotubes. ...> Full Article

Researchers enlist DNA to bring carbon nanotubes' promise closer to reality (7/10/2009)

Tailored sequences of DNA lead to breakthrough in the campaign to sort and separate CNTs ...> Full Article

Researchers construct carbon nanotube device that can detect colors of the rainbow (5/2/2009)

Researchers construct carbon nanotube device that can detect colors of the rainbow Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have created the first carbon nanotube device that can detect the entire visible spectrum of light, a feat that could soon allow scientists to probe single molecule transformations, study how those molecules respond to light, observe how the molecules change shapes, and understand other fundamental interactions between molecules and nanotubes. ...> Full Article

Fitter frames: Nanotubes boost structural integrity of composites (3/27/2009)

Fitter frames: Nanotubes boost structural integrity of composites New research finding could lead to more durable aircraft, automotive components ...> Full Article

Engineers prove that carbon nanotubes are superior to metals for electronics (3/22/2009)

'We are done with metals,' says Cemal Basaran ...> Full Article

Nanotube's 'tapestry' controls its growth (2/7/2009)

Nanotube's 'tapestry' controls its growth PNAS study answers longstanding mystery about carbon nanomaterials ...> Full Article

Scientists Create New Nanotube Structures (5/28/2008)

Researchers are developing techniques to coax carbon nanotubes to self-assemble into ordered structures - essentially making the nanotubes do the hard work for them. ...> Full Article

Nanotube production leaps from sooty mess in test tube to ready formed chemical microsensors (5/7/2008)

Nanotube production leaps from sooty mess in test tube to ready formed chemical microsensors Researchers have found a way of producing carbon nanotubes in which they instantly form a highly sensitive ready made electric circuit ...> Full Article

Nanotubes grown straight in large numbers (4/26/2008)

Chemists have found a way to grow long, straight cylinders only a few atoms thick in very large numbers, removing a major roadblock in the pursuit of nano-scale electronics ...> Full Article

Breakthrough in nanotechnology by uncovering conductive property of carbon-based molecules (4/19/2008)

Newfound ability of organic molecules to conduct electricity opens door to smaller, cheaper and more powerful technologies ...> Full Article

Researchers create the first thermal nanomotor in the world (4/18/2008)

The motor functions as a nanotransporter by moving and rotating cargo from one end of the carbon nanotube to the other ...> Full Article

Sweet nanotech batteries (4/11/2008)

Nanotechnology could solve lithium battery charging problems ...> Full Article

Memory in artificial atoms (4/8/2008)

Three nano-physicists have made a discovery that can change the way we store data on our computers ...> Full Article

The future of computing - carbon nanotubes and superconductors to replace the silicon chip (3/30/2008)

Nanotech hopes to take on silicon for control of the electronics industry ...> Full Article

Carbon nanotubes outperform copper nanowires as interconnects (3/15/2008)

Scientists create robust quantum models to compare key characteristics of copper and CNTs ...> Full Article

Engineers demonstrate nanotube wires operating at speed of commercial chips (2/16/2008)

Integrated circuits, such as the silicon chips inside all modern electronics, are only as good as their wiring, but copper conduits are approaching physical performance limitations as they get thinner. Chipmakers have hoped that carbon "nanotubes" would allow them to continue using thinner wiring as they pack more devices into chips, but no one had demonstrated nanotube wires working on a conventional silicon chip. In a paper published online today by the journal Nano Letters, electrical engineers at Stanford University and Toshiba report using nanotubes to wire a silicon chip operating at speeds comparable to those of commercially available processors and memory. ...> Full Article

Shear Ingenuity: Tweaking the Conductivity of Nanotube Composites (2/6/2008)

Shear Ingenuity: Tweaking the Conductivity of Nanotube Composites One of the immediate applications of carbon nanotubes (CNT) is as an additive to polymers to create electrically conducting plastics-a relatively low CNT concentration can dramatically change the polymer's electrical conductivity by orders of magnitude, from an insulator to a conductor. New measurements by scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have uncovered an intriguing wrinkle. For a given CNT concentration, the electrical properties of the composite can be tuned from being a conductor to a non-conductor simply by changing processing conditions-basically how fast the polymer flows. ...> Full Article

New kind of transistor radios show capability of nanotube technology (1/30/2008)

New kind of transistor radios show capability of nanotube technology Carbon nanotubes have a sound future in the electronics industry, say researchers who built the world's first all-nanotube transistor radios to prove it. ...> Full Article

Feds fund study of drug that may prevent radiation injury (1/29/2008)

Defense department funds study of nanotube-based drug made at Rice ...> Full Article

Engineer outlines 'nano-Velcro's' potential (1/25/2008)

Creating a so-called "super nanocomposite" that can revolutionize a range of products is the dream of materials scientists. So far, that's proved elusive. A University of Nebraska-Lincoln engineer shares that big dream but said he thinks using nanomaterials to strengthen small structures is more promising and cost-effective for the near-term. ...> Full Article

Researchers Develop Darkest Manmade Material (1/23/2008)

Researchers Develop Darkest Manmade Material Researchers in the US have created the darkest material ever made by man ...> Full Article


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Using carbon nanotubes in lithium batteries can dramatically improve energy capacityUsing carbon nanotubes in lithium batteries can dramatically improve energy capacity

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