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A total of 50 experts from European companies and bodies involved in technological innovation met in the Basque city of Donostia-San Sebastián to analyse the results of the European Multiprotect project. The meeting took place in the INASMET-Tecnalia building (at the Donostia-San Sebastián Technological Park).

This project, in which the INASMET-Tecnalia Technology Centre is taking part, began in March 2005 has a four-year remit and so it is at a relatively advanced stage in so far as results are concerned. The project focuses on providing solutions to corrosion by means of advanced innovations based on nanotechnology. The new coatings are aimed at sectors such as aeronautics, automobiles, household electrical goods or cutting tools.

It is an IP European project in which there are 31 participating members from Europe: companies, research centres and universities. Amongst those taking part are INM and Fraunhofer-IPA (both from Germany), TNO (Holland), C. Ricerche de Fiat (Italy), CSIC-ICV (Spain), EADS (Germany), Hellenic Aerospace Industry (Greece) and the Israel Aircraft Industry (Israel).

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Basque Research



10/13/2009 7:36:26 AM MST

I have been working for the last 20 years in the corrosion prevention field. Would like to be posted about developments in Nano corrosion preventive methods

Sunil Khisty

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