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The gold standard: Researchers use nanoparticles to make 3-D DNA nanotubes 1/2/2009

Gold nanoparticles for controlled drug delivery 12/31/2008

Enhancing solar cells with nanoparticles 12/25/2008

Researchers make breakthrough in the production of double-walled carbon nanotubes 12/24/2008

Study on cytotoxicity of carbon nanotubes 12/23/2008

New research to exploit world's thinnest material 12/19/2008

Researchers create non-toxic clean-up method for potentially toxic nano materials 12/18/2008

Researchers print dense lattice of transparent nanotube transistors on flexible base 12/17/2008

Nanotubes sniff out cancer agents in living cells 12/16/2008

Nature, nanotechnology fuse in electric yarn that detects blood 12/16/2008

Method sorts out double-walled carbon nanotube problem 12/15/2008

Panel blasts federal nanotech risk research strategy 12/14/2008

People in the US and the UK show strong similarities in their attitudes toward nanotechnologies 12/13/2008

Nanotechnology 'culture war' possible, says study 12/12/2008

For nano, religion in US dictates a wary view 12/11/2008

All Articles Tagged As: switch

Tethered molecules act as light-driven reversible nanoswitches (6/25/2008)

New technique for attaching light-sensitive organic molecules to metal surfaces allows the molecules to be switched between two different configurations in response to exposure to different wavelengths of light. Because the configuration changes are reversible and can be controlled without direct contact, this technique could enable applications that can be controlled at the molecular scale. ...> Full Article

Researchers improve the ability to write and store information on electronic devices (9/16/2007)

New research led by the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory physicist Matthias Bode provides a more thorough understanding of new mechanisms, which makes it possible to switch a magnetic nanoparticle without any magnetic field and may enable computers to more accurately write and store information. ...> Full Article

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